Rhaid - Must



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List of vocabulary used in this crossword:- Cymraeg Vocab Crossword 4.3 Wordlist

You will find the solution here:- Solution: Cymraeg - Vocabulary Crossword 4.3

Check out our new Welsh vocabulary section here - Geiriadur

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Posted by Super User in Cymraeg Vocabulary Crosswords. Created on 5 years ago.
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1 unfortunate , regrettable
2 unique , exclusive
3 to repair , to mend
4 like , as
5 because (formal)
6 to cease , to stop
7 before
8 to suppose
9 to continue
10 rain
11 cold
1 to save , to spare
2 this year
3 ok , very
4 better
5 because
6 to warn , to caution
7 it doesn't matter
8 to admit , to concede
9 valley
10 to joke , to jest
11 merry
12 to fight
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